Iota Phi Foundation of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. recently hosted its 12th annual Black College tour. The tour took place this year from April 11-18, and was titled “Stepping into the Future with the Omegas.”
Chosen students visited Historical Black Colleges and Universities in Georgia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Kenneth Minefield brought 88 high school juniors from 22 Pittsburgh area high schools to Atlanta to kick off the tour. Any student wishing to participate in the Iota Phi Black College Tour had to submit a high school transcript with a minimum 2.5 grade point average, a letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor or community leader, and a 300-word essay about the student’s aspirations beyond high school. Each student was also required to be available for a personal interview.
Joseph G. Moss Jr. hosted a reception for the group at Justin’s restaurant in Atlanta. The students also visited African-American historical sites, and were given valuable information about financial aid, scholarships and grants, how to match their individual needs/interests with specific schools, and how to select a college. In addition each student was also eligible to apply for a $2,000 scholarship from the Omega Scholarship Fund.
The Iota Phi Foundation sponsors several programs that are administered through Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Iota Phi chapter. The Iota Phi chapter is the Pittsburgh Alumni Chapter of Omega Psi Phi.